Our Partners



Founded in 1994, SuccessEd is an innovative educational software provider that puts time-saving data management tools in the hands of educators. SuccessEd helps educators track compliance and services provided to students in special education, Section 504, RtI, and ELL.


Empower is a state-of-the-art student plan management system that is focused on ease of use. Empower offers IEP, 504 and ELL services. The system offers an easy, efficient means for educators to plan education and service delivery for students and to communicate with parents in a timely way. It takes compliance to the next level by providing reminders for meeting deadlines and document requirements at both the state and federal level.

SNAP Health Center

SNAP Health Center is the leading school nurse EHR system in the country. Written for nurses by nurses, SNAP Health Center contains all the functionality school nurses need to manage their school’s health. It’s data analytics and reporting are vital tools for administrators to spot and manage health issues and outbreaks like COVID-19. Nursing services entered in SNAP Health Center can automatically be sent to Onward Learning for Medicaid claiming processing using the SNAP Medicaid Link to eliminate duplicate entry for nurses.


AIM provides a robust, one-stop shop for educational services. Our entire team comes from a background of working in education. We focus on the needs of students, using real language and our expertise to help schools stay in compliance. We are only based in school settings, meaning we are well versed education law.

Allied States Cooperative

The ESC-Region 19 Purchasing (Allied States Cooperative) is a national governmental purchasing cooperative which competitively bids and awards contracts to local, regional, and national vendors in compliance with local, state, and federal procurement laws and regulations.


The Interlocal Purchasing System, better known as TIPS, is a highly qualified purchasing cooperative that aids in connecting vendors with school districts. A division of the Region 8 Education Service Center, TIPS is a governmental entity that prides themselves on legal compliance and custom service for Texas school districts.

GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative

The GoodBuy Purchasing Cooperative makes it possible for members to purchase goods and services in an efficient, cost effective and competitive procurement method as outlined in the Texas School Law Bulletin, Sec. 44.031 Purchasing Contracts, and the Texas Government Code, Title 7 Intergovernmental Relations, Sec. 791 Interlocal Cooperation Contracts.

Take the First Step

Don’t just read about the amazing things Onward can do for your school district, make it a reality. Reach out to us today to take the first step towards moving your Medicaid reimbursement potential Onward.


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