TEA UPDATE: January 19, 2024 Indirect Cost Report Proposal Deadline

Heidi BickhamMedicaid, Press Releases

Please see TEA’s January 2, 2024 Bulletin regarding the January 19th, 2024 deadline for submitting the “Indirect Cost Rate Proposal (ICRP) workbook. ⚠️ BULLETIN LINK⚠️ Department of Grant Compliance and Administration Deadline Reminder from the Federal Fiscal Compliance and Reporting Division January 19, 2024: Deadline for Requesting Indirect Cost Rates … Read More

MAC Financial NOW OPEN Quarter Notice JS23

Heidi BickhamIndustry News, Medicaid, Press Releases

MAC opens TODAY: November 20, 2023 The Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) has authorized Fairbanks, LLC, to open the MAC Financials for the 4th quarter of federal fiscal year 2023; July-September 2023 (Q4 JS23). The quarter will open on November 20, 2023 and will close on January 5, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. … Read More

December 15, 2023 is the next RMTS PL Closing date

Heidi BickhamMedicaid, Press Releases

Random Moment Time Study (RMTS) Federal Fiscal Year 2024 (October 2023 to September 2024) Participant List Closing #1 Please remember that the federal fiscal year (FFY) 2024 (October 2023 to September 2024) first quarter PL closing date is December 15, 2023. The RMTS Contact must update/certify the PL prior to this closing date.  … Read More

HHSC 23-24 Training Dates: RMTS ~ MAC ~ COST

Heidi BickhamMedicaid

HHSC TRAINING DATES 2023-2024 Attending HHCS Trainings is more important than ever. Keep up with changing rules, requirements, deadlines and FAQ’s by attending their trainings for RMTS, MAC and COST REPORTS. We have compiled dates and links on the handy attachments making it easy for you and your key players … Read More

TEA SHARS Reimbursement Survey. DUE DATE 11/3/2023

Heidi BickhamIndustry News, Medicaid

SHARS REIMBURSEMENT Survey Breakdown DUE DATE: 11/3/2023 Many school districts have begun receiving the notification to complete the annual SHARS Reimbursement Survey. This one-question survey is required for ALL districts that received IDEA-B grant funding in the 2022-2023 school year. The survey must be completed by a district employee. All … Read More

LoFT Deadline Alert: DUE DATE 10/31/2023

Heidi BickhamIndustry News, Medicaid

LoFT Deadline Alert – DUE DATE 10/31/2023 Local Funds Tracking System Texas Health and Human Services Website: https://shorturl.at/mnCV1 FAQ:**NEW**: https://shorturl.at/goLOP Questions: PFD_LFM@hhs.texas.gov Live Support Chat every Thursday: Live support meetings will be held every Thursday during reporting (19 and 26) at 11 a.m. (CST) Call in to join: (512) 580-4366 … Read More

2023 FFY Final MAC Training Opportunity

Stasia ViatorIndustry News

The FFY2023 MAC report has already begun. Districts participating in MAC must have a district employee listed as the Primary MAC Contact.  All Primary MAC contacts must be trained annually or the district will forfeit MAC participation in the entire FFY2023.  This will be strictly enforced for FFY2023. The last FFY2023 MAC … Read More

Indirect Cost Rate Notification

Stasia ViatorIndustry News, Medicaid

Annually, ISDs must request an indirect cost rate by completing and submitting the ICRP Additional Costs Workbook (ACW). The deadline for submitting the workbook, and thus requesting indirect cost rates, was January 19, 2023. TEA issues two indirect cost rates to local educational agencies (LEAs), a restricted rate and an unrestricted … Read More