Speech Therapist Eligible to Conduct SHARS Medicaid Referrals

Stasia ViatorUncategorized

According to federal statue policy language updates made to the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM) School Health and Related Services (SHARS) Handbook align with 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §440.110(c)(2)(i-iii)):

42 CFR §440.110 Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and services for individuals with speech, hearing, and language (SLP) and Audiological disorders

  • (c) Services for individuals with speech, hearing, and language disorders
    • (2) A “speech pathologist” is an individual who meets one of the following conditions:
      • (i) Has a certificate of clinical competence (CCC) from the American Speech and Hearing Association
      • (ii) Has completed the equivalent educational requirements and work experience necessary for the certificate
      • (iii) Has completed the academic program and is acquiring supervised work experience to qualify for the certificate

HHSC research indicates that SLPs who carry an unrestricted Texas license to practice independently will meet the CFR requirements cited above (i-ii). SHARS providers are expected to know and understand the various aspects of billing Texas Medicaid for services delivered through the SHARS program, including federal and state regulations surrounding provider qualifications and licensure requirements.