TMHP 1099 Form

Stasia ViatorMedicaid

Every January, Texas Medicaid and Healthcare Partnership (TMHP) mails Medicaid provider (hospitals, doctors, clinics, LEAs) a 1099 form for revenue generated during the previous calendar year.  Since SHARS is a reimbursement program,  districts are not required to report SHARS revenue as income.  However, your ONWARD finance team suggests the 1099 form be maintained with all other SHARS financial documents in the event of audit questions and/or specific requests centered around the district’s 1099.  TMHP’s process is to mail the document to all providers regardless of the type of Medicaid program the provider is enrolled in.

For more information regarding the 1099 form or any other questions you have about SHARS Finance, please contact our Director of Finance, Aprel Dobson at or you can contact our Finance Support Team at