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RMTS PL Audit Submission Deadline: Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The RMTS PL Audit is required of ALL districts participating in the SHARS and/or MAC programs.

  1. Email notification from info@fairbanksllc.com was sent out Friday, February 25, 2022 to the district’s Primary RMTS Program Contact. If you did not receive the notice, please check your Spam mail.
  2. The participant list that will be subject to the HHSC audit is the recently certified April – June 2022 quarter.
  3. This will not impact the current 2021 FFY Cost Report, however we anticipate the audit having an impact on the 2022 FFY Cost Report (opens January 2023 and closes April 1, 2023)
  4. Purpose of the audit. To determine positions and/or staff who should be on the participant list (PL) and ultimately reported in the district’s annual Cost Report.
  5. Participants and/or positions that provide direct medical services (SHARS) and Medicaid Administrative Claiming (MAC) activity services to students, should only be on the participant list.
  6. If the position does not bill for services, the position and/or staff person should not be on the PL.
  7. Providers who do not participate in SHARS activities on a routine basis should not be included on the district’s RMTS PL and should be removed. This is because they are not subject to RMTS time study sampling nor should their costs be associated with the Cost Report.
  8. Bus drivers, although a part of SHARS, should not be included on the participant list. These positions should be removed.
  9. HHSC’s Time Study Department is performing an audit and requesting each district to
    1. Submit a job description of all regular education, special education, resource and inclusion teachers; and all variations of teacher aides listed on your district’s participant list.
    2. Include the job title with the job description.
    3. HHSC is asking for information be included in an Excel spreadsheet. Districts can export to Excel their AJ22 RMTS PL from Fairbanks.
    4. Job Descriptions can be copied and pasted in the spreadsheet or attached as a PDF with the spreadsheet.
  10. Submission Instructions – Submit this information to Time Study by Wednesday, March 30, 2022, at timestudy@hhs.texas.gov.
    1. In the subject line, please write “[District] Job Descriptions.”
    2. If the information is not received by the deadline due date, a follow-up response will be sent with the Superintendent copied on the email.
  11. Specific HHSC questions can be emailed to timestudy@hhs.texas.gov or call (737) 867-7794.

Your ONWARD team is here to serve you!  Please contact your Account Manager by email or phone at 1-844-1596 for questions.  We are happy to schedule time to walk through the audit requirements and address any questions or concerns you may have.